Flusso Software

A duck above the rest… 

Just a Bit Irreverent

A Touch of Badassery

Always a Duck Above

What Flusso Software does and who we do it for.

At Flusso Software we know people with software ideas waste countless hours and thousands of dollars navigating the pitfalls of software development without ever knowing if their idea is worth investing in. We created a foolproof process to guide them through the pitfalls, so they save time, save money, and bring software people will love to market.

Successful Software Launch with Flusso Software

What sets us apart...

We're process driven

We don’t deviate from the process so we’re confident we are giving the customer the best possible roadmap.

We're empathetic

We listen with empathy, so we understand where our customers have been and where they want to go.

We're insightful

We use our skills and knowledge to see the big picture so we will guide our customers on the best path forward.


5 Deadly development mistakes that kill good software ideas

Common pitfalls to avoid that sabotage many software products from the first step.

What we do daily to move the mission forward...


We generate leads

We work on lead-generation daily to grow a strong company and help as many people as possible.


We learn every day

We learn about our industry daily so we can innovate, improve, and invent.


We follow up regularly

We talk to our customers regularly to see if there are new challenges we can help them face so we build strong relationships

The story that guides our mission...

At Flusso Software we know people with software ideas waste countless hours and thousands of dollars navigating the pitfalls of software development without ever knowing if their idea is worth investing in. After years of frustration, wasting time they can never get back and borrowing from friends and family after burning through their own life savings, their ideas never see the light of day. Worse yet, their friends and family, feeling used and betrayed, turn their backs on them.

Using Flusso Software’s foolproof process we can guide them through the pitfalls of software development ensuring they’re building worthwhile software, so they save their time, save their money, save years of frustration, and save their relationships with their friends and family.

Why we do what we do...

We know when you guide people with empathy and integrity you have an opportunity to change their lives.

Partnering with real people with real ideas.

“Flusso worked with me from seed to fruition and building momentum fast”
Molly Denham - EA & FOUNDER

Software Development

Hundreds of new software products hit the market every day but, too many good ideas never make it because they weren’t developed fully or they just ran out of money. Here at Flusso Software, we start every development project with a Software Plan so you always know the true costs and timeline for the entire build including launching and integration before you invest.

It’s software development done right.

Morning Coffee Project Management Software
VITAL a Flusso Software Customer
VAST Software a Flusso Software Customer
Donation Mission Software

Develop your software without the costs spiraling out of control.

Develop your software without costs spiraling our of control with Flusso Software

What the f*ck is Flusso?!


  • Scorrimento condizionato e costante di un fluido: il flusso delle acque in un canale.
  • Movimento, spostamento continuo e incessante.
  • In economia, l’insieme dei beni che si formano e si trasformano in un certo periodo di tempo.
  • Flusso di merci, corrente commerciale.
  • Flusso di cassa.
  • In fisica, quantità di una grandezza fisica (calore, energia, ecc.) che passa attraverso l’unità di superficie nell’unità di tempo (per es.: flusso luminoso, se la grandezza fisica è l’energia luminosa; flusso sonoro, se è l’energia acustica trasportata dalle onde sonore; flusso di un fluido, se è un volume di fluido in movimento, ecc.).
  • In genetica: flusso genico, scambio di geni tra due popolazioni dovuto allo spostamento, in un solo senso o in entrambi i sensi, dei gameti o degli individui.
  • CHE SCHIFO! – In medicina, espulsione o fuoriuscita di materie liquide dall’organismo.
  • Alta marea (contrapposto a riflusso ); vedi marea.
    • Vicenda alterna.”il flusso e il riflusso della fortuna”
  • In informatica, insieme di dati in entrata o in uscita da un sistema di elaborazione.


  • Conditional and constant flow of a fluid: flow of water in a canal.
  • Movement, continuous and incessant shifting.
  • In economics, the set of goods that are formed and transformed over a certain period of time.
  • Flow of goods, trade current.
  • Cash flow.
  • In physics, quantity of a physical quantity (heat, energy, etc.) which passes through the unit of surface in the unit of time (e.g.: luminous, if the physical quantity is luminous energy; sound, if it is the acoustic energy carried by sound waves; of a fluid, if it is a volume of fluid in motion, etc.).
  • In genetics: gene flow, exchange of genes between two populations due to the movement, in one direction or in both directions, of gametes or individuals.
  • GROSS! – In medicine, expulsion or leakage of liquids from the body.
  • High tide (contrasted with ebb); of tide.
    • Alternately: “the flow and the ebb of fortune”
  • In computer science, a set of data entering or leaving a processing system.
A yellow rubber duck surfboarding on the moon wearing a fedora and sunglasses with the Earth and space in the background.